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1,000,000 Power BI Licenses

Headshot of article author Adam Saxton

This question has come up a few times regarding why you would be seeing 1,000,000 licenses for Power BI in your O365 Tenant.  To show you what this looks like we can go to the O365 Admin portal, go to Billing and then Licenses.


From a subscription standpoint, we only have two.


You’ll notice that the Subscriptions line up with two of the License categories.  The other two, Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Power BI for Office 365 Individual User Trial, do not have a subscription for it, and you will not get billed for those licenses.  They are there to help with the Free offerings and to keep track of them.

You can find more information regarding the 1 million licenses at the following documentation link.

Power BI in your Organization

At the bottom is where it discusses what these licenses are and why there is 1 million of them.  The number of licenses was just a number that was picked on our end to give you enough head room and not run into issues.  I would think most Tenants don’t need more than that.  If you do though, you can call in and can get it increased.

Currently the 1 million licenses are used if you want to access the Power BI Public Preview.  That’s how it showed up in my Tenant.  Once the new service GA’s, then this will be the license type for the Free users.

I’m not going to cover the Individual User Trial Licenses, but you can read more about it at the following location.

Individual trials of Power BI for Office 365


Adam W. Saxton | Microsoft Business Intelligence Server Escalation ServicesTwitter YouTube